The Introduction to Linguistics Course offers a varied outline of general linguistics notions, terms and facts, such as historical development of English, origin of language, the study of English, linguistic disciplines and schools, etc. It also provides students with crucial data on English in the Czech perception, including the leading linguists and their work. Overall, the course should equip a (future) teacher of English with a solid linguistic basis.
The scope of linguistics, the history of linguistics, varieties of English, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and ethnolinguistics affecting language teaching strategies.
1 Linguistics, the scope of linguistics 2 Phonetics, phonology and morphology 3 Syntax and semantics 4 Pragmatics, discourse analysis 5 Language types, Indo-European languages, language change 6 Some modern schools and movements and educational psychology 7 Modern writing systems, writing in the classroom 8 Psycholinguistics, language learning strategies 9 Sociolinguistics, heterogeneous classes, different nationalities in one classroom. 10 Ethnolinguistics, learners and their individuality 11 Varieties of English, what a language student should learn 12 Styles, slang, artificial languages, computer processing of language.